How to replace an AGE3 computer

How to replace an AGE3 computer


A computer that controls an AGE3 system needs to be replaced. How do I migrate data to a new computer and install drivers?


Step 1: Copy data from old computer (if available)

Copy files from old, existing computer: AGE3 & EA files

AGE3 files

  1. Before starting the new installation of the AGE3 software, perform the following data transfers with either a memory stick or by using a local network folder.

  2. The configuration files like IOP-AGE3-EA.ini, or any other *.ini file containing the most recent AGE3 settings should be copied: These configuration files are typically found in C:/current user/Documents/AGE3_files/Initialization.
    It is generally recommended to copy the entire AGE3_files folder since this also contains the data files Graphitization Logs.

  3. Since 2021 the installation software of the AGE3 software is located at C:\AGE or C:\Program Files (x86)\AGE3 (should contain 3 subfolders named Drivers, Software and Tools).
    Copy the entire AGE3 folder to the same location onto the new computer, if available.

EA files

  1. To copy files from the old, existing system, start up the EA software and navigate to File->Backup/Restore->Backup then log on with user ‘easadmin’ (usually no password is set). Chose a backup directory and click on ‘Backup now’. The resulting *.sqlite file should be copied to the new computer.

  2. The configuration files for the EA (e.g., run_CN.cplx) located at C:/Program Files (x86)/Elementar/unicube/cplx are also recommended to be transferred to the new computer.

Step 2: Set up a new computer

Follow the instructions [1-5] from Step 1 if you still have the old computer. If you have lost all the existing AGE3 files you can download the latest drivers and tools from below and further contact Ionplus for the AGE3 application software.

1. Set up the new computer (Windows 10 or 11).

Set English (American or British) the primary language of the operating system.

2. Decimal separator.

Make sure the default decimal separator is the decimal point (“.”) as opposed to decimal comma (“,”). The location of this setting may vary with Windows version. You can change the separator sign using the intl.cpl file in Windows. Type intl.cpl in the Windows search tab and click on the file icon.

Look for intl.cpl file with Windows search function
Choose Additional settings in the regional settings

3. Download the AGE3 related drivers and tools:

4. Install the drivers:

a. Diolan driver

- Open the folder► Drivers and execute dln.3.4.0.exe.

- Select “Server Based Interface”.

- Uncheck "documentation" and "examples".

- Proceed installation.

b. Instacal driver

- Open the folder ► Drivers->InstaCal.

-Execute the icalsetup.exe with the default settings.

c. RunTimeInstaller_AGE&GIS_Labview2017

- Open the folder AGE ► RunTimeInstaller_AGE&GIS_LabVIEW2017 ► Installer.

- Execute the setup.exe with default settings.

d. MySQL connector (only for Ionplus AMS systems equipped with laboratory management package)

- Open the folder AGE ► ODBC_MySQL .

- Execute the mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.2-win32 with the default settings.

- Complete the setup.

- Set up the ODBC connection following the procedure https://ionplus.atlassian.net/l/cp/4GHUpb1o.

5. Install the AGE3 application according to the following steps:

- Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86) and create a new folder AGE3.

- Copy the contents from the folder AGE3 (saved at Step 1) to the newly created folder AGE3; or add here the contents of the newly AGE3 version received from Ionplus.

- Right click on the AGE3_xxxx.exe and create a shortcut on the desktop.

- Copy the saved folder AGE3_files to C:/current user/Documents/AGE3_files

- Connect the instrument(s) to the computer using USB cables. If the EA computer is different than the AGE3 computer consult the AGE3 user manual for TCP/IP connection settings.

- Run Instacal and check if the PC recognizes the temperature readout board.

- Run the AGE3 program with the proper .ini file and check the temperature and pressure values.

6. EA software installation

- Install the EA software using the installation kit provided by Elementar.

- Copy the run_CN.cplx file to the corresponding folder, usually C:/Program Files (x86)/Elementar/unicube/cplx, then rename the existing run_CN.cpx into old_run_CN.cpx.

- Connect the EA cube to the PC with an USB cable and start the EA software.

- Restore the backup of any previous EA software installations using the .sqlite files.


If there are connectivity issues, then follow the steps:

  1. Check the USB cable between the AGE/EA and PC

  2. The PC Connected led on the AGE3 front panel should be light on

  3. Verify in Device Manager, that the USB Client is recognized by connecting and disconnecting the cables.

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